Thursday, October 28, 2010

Father & Son, Mother & Daughter, Mother & Son, Father & Daughter

I think the relationship between a parent and their child is really special. Mothers and fathers have different connections with their children, but they are both important to the children. I think that the father, son and mother, daughter relationships are really unique. I feel like the parents can really relate to what their child is going through because they are the same gender and they can like see themselves in their child. That is why I think those relationships are great. Also I think children are more comfortable sharing things with the parent that is the same gender as them. Personally I know that I can talk and discuss things with my dad that I wouldn't with my mom and I am happy to have that male figure that I can look up to.

The mother, son and father, daughter relationships are the most special I think though. Children looking up to someone of the opposite gender develop what they feel a man or woman should be. I think that what they see or the type of relationship they have with their mother or father will ultimately determine what they think their spouse should be like. I only live in a house with my mother and I think that has made us closer. My relationship with her is different than the relationship I have with my dad. She does so much for me and when I look at her I see the epitome of what a woman should be. That is why I think that those relationships are the most important.

Relationships between parents and children are so important. It helps children grow up easier and at times it can help the parent mature. It is possible for children to be raised without a parent, but if it is possible, I think all parents should be in their children's life no matter what. If I didn't have my parents to look up to I don't how I would've turned out. My parents are very important to me and I would do anything for them, just like they would for me.

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