Thursday, October 7, 2010

God in 2010

I personally don’t think that god himself has changed at all in any way. The god in 2010 is the same god that’s always been here. The thing that I think is different is the way people use him. I think a lot of people today just ask god for what they want and expect to get it, almost instantly. They don’t really look at and thank him for all he has done, they just look at what they don’t have and ask for it. I think that is a real bad way to think of god, but unfortunately a lot people fall in that category.

Also a lot of sports stars and entertainers use god’s name a lot in speeches or interviews. I assume that the majority of them do believe in god, but when they talk about him I think it’s just to get people to like them. I think they feel that if they people hear them talk about god its puts them in a good light. Even if there is nothing godly about what they are performing or the way they act. I think in the past people were more conscious of when to use god’s name and not to just put in a speech to make it sound better.

Another way I think people use him is to raise money. Every time I run into a homeless person they always say something about god to try to help get them some money. Churches also use god’s name to get money. They tell people that really don’t know why they are giving money, that this is what god wants them to do. Even though I do think that churches use the money toward something positive, I think they are very vague and it looks like they are just using god to get money and it makes people a little apprehensive about giving. I think that everybody should really look at who god is because too many people are misusing him.

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