Friday, October 15, 2010

Our Meaning

I think we all have a meaning of being here on earth. I definitely think that I am here for a reason. I don't think that I would be here or human life at all if we were meaningless. I believe that there is a higher power and they put us all here for a reason. Now the actual reason or meaning of me personally being here I am not so sure of. I can take some guesses to why, but I am not totally sure. I don't know if I am going to be a person that people are going to remember who I am many years after I die or I am just supposed to be a normal person living everyday life. I do know that I love to give back to people that are less fortunate than I am. I feel great when they tell me they appreciate what I did for them. Whatever I do in life I always want to give back and maybe that is my meaning in life and reason for being here. To help make other people lives better and more fulfilling. If I do help other people during my life, I know that I will be satisfied with all that I accomplished.

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