Friday, December 3, 2010

Thankful For A Classmate

During Thanksgiving week I always think about what in my life I am thankful for. When I thought about how I was going to answer this question and what classmate I am thankful for, I couldn't just pick one. So I am thankful for all of my classmates in all of my classes. I enjoy all of my classes this year and it is because of my classmates (even though I like my teachers too). If I didn't have the classmates that I have, school would be much more boring and tedious. I especially enjoy my classmates in my Philosophy class. I always enjoy hearing the discussions and what they have to say. It always gets me thinking from a different point of view and it is very interesting. I have been in many classes in the past where the students were boring and I hated going to class everyday, but this year is much different and I like it. So I really am thankful for all of my classmates and without them I don't know how I could make it through the school year.

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