Friday, December 17, 2010

Winter Wonderfest

The snow is falling rather slow
Everywhere you see lights glow
Having fun, snowball fights
Doing something every night

Going to look for Christmas trees
Bundle up or you will freeze
Going shopping buying gifts
People moving rather swift

Hot chocolate and tea
School is out, kids are free
Spending time with lots of guests
What a winter wonderfest


From what I knew, I thought that globalization is a good thing. I looked up the exact definition and it said the process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a global network of political ideas through communication, transportation, and trade. When I read the definition, I stick with my thoughts about it being good. The more cultures become integrated, the better makes the world. If cultures understood more about other cultures and how they live, they will be able to appreciate and respect each other more. If everyone in the world would respect each other then that would cut down on conflicts and that would make the world a better place. One of the things that people don't like about globalization is that it takes away from the cultures and they become more Americanized. I don't think it takes away that much from other cultures because if the older people and parents teach the younger people their ways, then it will never die. I also feel that unless you live in America or somewhere else, there is no way your original culture or heritage can ever be completely changed. So I think that globalization is a good thing and I think that the world will continue to become more global as time goes on and there is nothing wrong with that.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sports In My Life

Me, personally, I love sports. I really enjoy watching sports and playing sports. I just love the competition that goes along with sports. My favorite sport is basketball, but I also like most other sports like football, soccer, tennis, and baseball. I mainly root for Chicago teams, but I also like a few other teams in different sports. I love Chicago teams, though, because they represent the city that I was born and raised in, so I just feel like I have to like the teams. I play sports all of the time as well. I think it is a great way to spend your free time and you also get exercise while you are playing. Without sports I don't know what I would do to entertain myself. I'm sure that I would find something to do, but I think that sports are great and should always be around. There are also a lot of parallels in sports and life and I feel that I could use what I learn from sports in life. One way is I love to win and I think that I could use that same winning mentality in my regular everyday life. Another way is I could use teamwork to get places in life, just like I do in sports. So I do think that sports are important to society and good for society at times. It is a good way to get away from everyday life and have fun doing or watching something.

Thankful For A Classmate

During Thanksgiving week I always think about what in my life I am thankful for. When I thought about how I was going to answer this question and what classmate I am thankful for, I couldn't just pick one. So I am thankful for all of my classmates in all of my classes. I enjoy all of my classes this year and it is because of my classmates (even though I like my teachers too). If I didn't have the classmates that I have, school would be much more boring and tedious. I especially enjoy my classmates in my Philosophy class. I always enjoy hearing the discussions and what they have to say. It always gets me thinking from a different point of view and it is very interesting. I have been in many classes in the past where the students were boring and I hated going to class everyday, but this year is much different and I like it. So I really am thankful for all of my classmates and without them I don't know how I could make it through the school year.