Thursday, September 23, 2010

Who is the Modern Gadfly?

When Socrates was living he constantly asked questions and challenged the Greece politics. He was very persistent and didn’t care that he was annoying the authority, even though it eventually led to his death. He was being a social gadfly. I looked up the specific definition of gadfly and I found that it is a term used to describe someone who upsets the status quo by posing upsetting or novel questions, or just being an irritant. With that definition the person today that I think most resembles those characteristics are Stephen Colbert and he is the modern day Socrates gadfly.

I think he is because he questions a lot of the current news topics. He also talks a lot about politics and politicians on all of his shows. He challenges and talks about their ideas in a funny way. Even though it is a comedy show and it is meant to be funny, he really does make people think about current situations in a different light. I also think that being funny about the news topics is a way to get a lot of people to watch it and really listen.

In the definition it also says someone that is being an irritant and I think Stephen Colbert fits that description perfectly. I think his comments on the issues irritate politicians and I bet they wish that he didn’t have a show. I am sure that politicians just want people to believe only what they are saying and not having people question it. I think what he does is good, though, and you should always see things from a different point of view.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living

I agree with the statement The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living because there is so much to look at in your life that you have to examine it. If you never examine your life then you don't know who you are and that is so important. If you don't know that much about your own life or ever want to find out, it's no point in living your life. If you never take a look at your life, your history, what you believe in, and how you are, you're pretty much dead in disguise. Examining your life reveals things about yourself that you may need to grow as a person. If you never examine your life you will never grow as a person and learn different things about yourself. I believe that in life, as long as you are living, you should be learning and growing as a person, but if you never take time to step back and examine your life then you will never reach your potential. Also if you don't know your history you are bound to repeat it. You never want to repeat the past because we as people should always be moving forward. I personally take a step back and examine my life sometimes. I discover things about myself that I may not have if I had not have taken that time to reflect. So I find it helpful in discovering your true identity. We can always stop and examine our life at any point we want to though. So it is never to late to examine yourself, grow and make life worth living again.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Xavier had a great life, although it was kind of short. He was a great person who was very passionate about everything and everyone he loved. He loved music so much and he wanted to pursue some type of career in the business. He always said he would do whatever it took to be successful in what he wanted to do. He was determined make something of him self and I believed that he would have accomplished his goals in life. He loved his friends and family very much and would do anything for them. He was close to everybody in his family especially his sisters, parents and grandparents. He would always think about them and if they ever needed him for anything he wouldn't hesitate to lend a hand. You could also tell him anything and he would always give his honest opinion and really try to help someone else. Xavier was always a funny person that loved to see people smile, laugh and have a good time. He was laid back and outgoing at the same time. He was a very humble person and never wanted to make other people feel like he thought he was better than them. He did a lot of community service and he really cared about other people and the world around him. He was also a very loyal and trustworthy person. That is what I liked most about Xavier. Xavier was a great person all around and he will be truly missed.